New Start Kind Of?

October 26, 2011

Start a new job November first back home in Brookville, IN. I’ll be working for George Gillman and Gary Wolf. They own local pharmacy’s and news papers and I will be keeping them up and running along with working for them to support other local companies and home users. I did this same type of job for myself about 10 years ago before I came to Indy to live and work so I guess I’m just coming full circle again.

Is this thing on?

January 4, 2011

Well its been quite some time since I have posted anything on here, I think much of 2010 was spent hiding away from life and letting others into mine. It was bad year all because of one day. April 11th my mom passed away after a 16 year fight with cancer. The fight was compounded by many problems, but the ultimate counter punch was a heart attack that happened due to a massive loss of blood.

Nine months have past and it still hurts to talk about, but it’s something that needs to be talked about to heal correctly I have been told. I’ve spent this last year dealing with the pain of loosing my mother, knowing she wanted things for me to better than what they are, and for myself to be greater than what I am. This is not to say my mom wasn’t proud of me she was and very. The things she wanted me to changes where things she knew I wanted to change about myself.

Some things are just very hard to change, your health / weight and relationship status are both hard for me and for many others.

This year I am working on me. Not my computer, or laptop or stereo or other gadget. This year I am going to be the gadget. I have to learn to manipulate me like I would hardware or software to speed up a computer. Or changing the port tuning on a sub to get the most out of it.

Mind you at this point I’m a newb, but we all have to start some place.

First stop I think I need to make is how to control my emotional attachment to food and how it plays out in my daily life. To much of my life rotates around it, when it should be rotating around things that make live valuable. How do I do that? Not sure yet but I think it has to do taking the importance of food away and replacing that moment of wondering what I am going to eat today and filling it with what am I going to do today to move me in the right direction.

If anyone has any ideas, comments, or tech tools that might help.. I’m open to ideas.

As far as women go… I don’t have a clue 🙂

Mid august I found out that the job that I had worked for nearly 5 years was no longer going to be.  Six other people and I all sat in a room wondering why we were in a meeting when each of are bosses walked in along with the owner of the company.  At that point I knew what was going on. I held my emotions back till after the owner had spoke and then I left the room to fly off the handle.  They  had us pack our work worlds into little white box’s and had us ship out that day.  We had become a statistic of the economic down turn, even though we didn’t work in the automotive industry we supported it and that is what caused us to be let go.

That night I went home and updated my resume and send it out to every person I knew.  Most didn’t work in the IT world but I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I started the online job search and tried to not feel sorry for myself, but in a way I did. A couple weeks past and I figured that I would be job searching for at least 6 months to a year just like everyone else that has been let go during this time.  I started to wonder and worry about how I was going to pay for the house I just purchased a year ago, would i become another statistic with that as well?  All I could do was think of more and more questions, but no answers came to me.

One week later, I get a call from a company I applied to online, not thinking much of it since I didn’t meet the full requirements of the job description, i took the phone interview, that lasted nearly two hours.  A few day’s later I had a face to face interview with the gentleman that had done the phone interview.  To my amazement I was asked to come back the next day for yet another interview with the head of the department.  Then to even a greater point of amazement they made me an offer an offer that was MUCH better than I was expecting in this market and much better than what I had been making before.

I’ve been here 3 weeks now and I am enjoying my work, co workers and learning a new system and company.  Its been a lot of change in a very short span of time and I’m trying to get my head to stop spinning and my feet back on the ground but once I do. I think things are going to be all right .   All in all I’m pretty  lucky.


September 8, 2009

Well for the first time in months I’m looking at this, I’m going to try to put some posts in this week. Labor day weekend what a great time to talk about nothing!


February 18, 2009

Going to see a band that i have been following for quite some time now tomorrow night at the vogue in Indianapolis, Clutch. There sound is stoner doom rock if you will with a hint of the blues and southern rock.

Should be a dam good show.

I’ve been sick for the last week or so with and ear and sinus infection so I have not paid much attention to this blog as of late. That and the xbox 360 with left for dead has kept me occupied at night.

Over all life is good and it moves on.

Bacon Explosion Take one

February 1, 2009

Everyone has been talking about the Bacon Explosion So we decided to make a couple and add our own twist to the mess with provolone cheese.

Needless to say its great and causes the “itus” in under 15 minuets. this is the wall of meat.. enjoy!

Yup.. its Monday

January 26, 2009

Well its at the end of the work day on Monday so I just though i would drop a short blog off.

Over the weekend I went down to my mom and dads house to work, see friends and family and try to solve some problems.

I’m pretty sure I got little bit of all of the goals met but I don’t think i finished any of them. Just more signs that my A.D.D is getting the best of me again 🙂 ..

I did manage to do something rather stupid though.

I was finishing up at a job, walking out to my car and then it happened. As i was getting in the car, I guess my cell phone fell out of my jacket pocket.

I was unaware of this until I went to call someone just a few moments after I pulled out of my parking spot. So i go around the block thinking I had left it in the job I had just left.

I pull into the same spot that I had just left, open up my door and wow there is my phone a foot away from my car and smashed.

Not into little bits, but never the less dead. I also like a DA, had saved all of my numbers and contacts not to my sim card which can be placed in another phone, but on the phone that was at that point smashed.

SO i have been collecting phone numbers for the last few days trying to get my contacts back in order. I have an excel sheet going now and soon as I get data cables for my new phone I will be adding everyone back and txting them random things from my very random mind.

This weekend was the first weekend in very long time that I didn’t need to work for someone or work on my own house. That being said we geeked it up to the max and had a full blown LAN party Friday and Saturday night.   Over all it was great, we had about 18 people, all of which were friends of mine besides one or two strangers that were not strangers for very long.

Call of duty 5 and left 4 dead were both great to play with friends and the new network gear did great…

Now on to my new toys.

I now own a DPMS Panther Bull sweet 16 AR-15 rifle in .223 caliber. Its a bench rest target gun with a range of well over 250 yards.

Sweet 16

Sweet 16

Sweet 16-2

Sweet 16-2

Sweet 16-3

Sweet 16-3

I hope to have some time yet over the winter to shoot it but i really dont think that will happen. I will be waiting till spring I’m sure but the price was right and it looked sexy 🙂

Pork Sunday

January 5, 2009

Well today was the first day with my new Traeger Grill / Smoker. Started at 12 noon and rubbed down the ribs with a dry rub and let them sit at room temp for about 2 hours. Then onto the smoker at 225 for the first 3 hours. Then wrapped them an the chops and pork steaks in foil and dropped it down to 180 for another 2 and then 180 for another 45 mins out of the foil.

Turned out great with the hickory wood pellets in the hopper. For my first time using this type of grill I was very impressed. you dont have to sit and baby sit it like you do a charchole or gas smoker.  Its not going to flare up on you and its not going to drop down so low on the temp that the food never gets done.  Just check in on it ever hour or so and you fine.  Next up will be a 15 lb or so beef brisket soon as we have another 45+ degree weekend.



Tasty 2

Tasty 2

What I Used

What I Used

Well that is all for now Enjoy 🙂

white death

December 17, 2008

Just a little reminder to the rest of the Midwest, if its snowing, slow down, if its sleeting slow down even more, leave space between you and the next car and don’t be a jerk at stop signs and intersections. But for the love of Pete if the road is just “wet” don’t act like its cover with a foot of snow with land minds under it and creep along at 10 mph while traffic backs up behind you for 2 miles.

Come on people get with the program or get off the road.

Thank you for letting me rant, I feel much better now.